This concise six-week course seeks to shed light on these crucial aspects, employing a self-paced online learning approach. Throughout the program, participants will delve into topics ranging from the fundamentals of a balanced diet to the management of common issues like nausea, vomiting, hyperemesis gravidarum, obesity, and anemia. By addressing these challenges, the course aims to empower healthcare professionals with the expertise needed to positively impact the health outcomes of both mothers and fetuses
Intended Audience:
Staff Midwives, Medical Doctors, Pharmacists, Dieticians and other health providers managing pregnant women.
- Instructor: Sivalingam Nalliah
- teaching assisstant: Muralitharan Ganesalingam [IMUE]
- teaching assisstant: Winnie Chee
- teaching assisstant: HUEH ZAN CHONG
- teaching assisstant: KHINE KHINE LWIN
- teaching assisstant: KAVITHA NAGANDLA

This course is offered twice a year, each delivered over a period of 5 weeks. You may join the course at any stage during this 5 weeks but it is preferable if you enrol during week 1 to gain maximum benefit from your learning and to have greater interaction with your fellow learners and myself.
The course is divided into 5 Units, each one of which is subdivided into 4 Themes. The course therefore comprises 20 Themes, each of which should take approximately 1 hour of your learning time. We expect that completing the quizzes in each Unit and the optional end-of-course assessment will take an additional 5 hours. Some learners will manage to complete the course in less than 25 hours.
Course Outcomes
- Describe the role of a travel medicine practitioner
- Comment on global travel trends
- Relate the key elements of travel risk assessment
- Summarise the major travel-related infectious diseases
- Outline an approach to travel vaccination
- Provide basic pre-travel health advice
- Understand the needs of special groups of travellers
- Discuss issues relating to illness in travellers
- Instructor: Prof Gerard Flaherty [Adjunct Professor, IMU]
- teaching assisstant: Malanashita Ganeson

- Instructor: KEAN GHEE LIM

- Instructor: Lydia Lee Sze Teng [IMUE]

- Instructor: KEAN GHEE LIM

- Instructor: CHING LI LEE
- Instructor: YI YI LEE
- Assistant Instructor: Winnie Chee
- Assistant Instructor: HENG YAW YONG

This course is a collaborative project between International Medical University, Malaysia and Dalhousie University, Canada. Expert contributions in this course are from Missouri School of Dentistry and Oral Health, A.T. Still University, USA, and Université Laval, Quebec, Canada.
- Instructor: UMER DAOOD [IMUE]
- Instructor: Liang Lin Seow

- Assistant Instructor: Lokman Hakim Bin Sulaiman

- Instructor: Yam Wai Keat [IMUE]
- Instructor: TONG KUAN CHUAH