This course is offered twice a year, each delivered over a period of 5 weeks. You may join the course at any stage during this 5 weeks but it is preferable if you enrol during week 1 to gain maximum benefit from your learning and to have greater interaction with your fellow learners and myself.
The course is divided into 5 Units, each one of which is subdivided into 4 Themes. The course therefore comprises 20 Themes, each of which should take approximately 1 hour of your learning time. We expect that completing the quizzes in each Unit and the optional end-of-course assessment will take an additional 5 hours. Some learners will manage to complete the course in less than 25 hours.
Course Outcomes
- Describe the role of a travel medicine practitioner
- Comment on global travel trends
- Relate the key elements of travel risk assessment
- Summarise the major travel-related infectious diseases
- Outline an approach to travel vaccination
- Provide basic pre-travel health advice
- Understand the needs of special groups of travellers
- Discuss issues relating to illness in travellers
- Instructor: Prof Gerard Flaherty [Adjunct Professor, IMU]
- teaching assisstant: Malanashita Ganeson
Skill Level: Beginner