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Section: Start Creating | Interactive Learning With Microsoft Sway |  
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    • To get started with Sway, visit sway.office.com in any browser and then click Sign in on the top menu bar.

      Sign in button on the toolbar

      When prompted, enter the email address you want to use with Sway. You can use your free Microsoft Account (Hotmail, Outlook.com) or any organizational account given to you by your work or school. If you don’t already have an account, visit www.microsoft.com/account to sign up for free.

      On the My Sways page that opens after you’ve signed in, click or tap Create New to start creating your first Sway.

      Create new button on the My Sways page

      Get to know the Sway Storyline

      The Storyline is where you type, insert, edit, and format the content that tells your story. Content is arranged in sequential order by adding cards, each of which holds the type of content you want — such as text, images, videos, and even Office documents. The order of cards can be rearranged at any time to suit your needs.

      Sway storyline

      Give your Sway a title

      Click the Title your Sway placeholder text shown in the first card on the Storyline, and then type a short but meaningful description of what your Sway is all about. When you later share your finished Sway, this title will be the first thing that others will see.

      Title prompt on the Sway storyline

      Add images and text to your Sway

      To add content to your Sway, such as text, images, or videos, click or tap the + icon at the bottom of any existing card. You can also drag and drop text and images right onto your Storyline. (Don’t hesitate to experiment — you can change the order of your content at any time and customize each card the way you want.)

      Add images and text to the storyline

      Add content to your Sway

      You can easily search for and add additional content to your Sway, such as an image that is stored on your computer or mobile device. Sway can also search the Web for the most relevant content, such as videos, and add it to your Sway. On the menu bar, click Insert, select your preferred content source from the menu, and then enter any search keyword or phrase into the Search sources box.

      Insert command and content search box

      Preview your Sway

      You can preview your work in progress at any time by clicking the Design tab. When you preview your Sway, you can see how it will appear to others when you later decide to share it. To fully experience your Sway, click the Play button on the top menu bar.

      Click the Design tab to preview the current Sway

      To return to your Storyline when you’re done previewing your Sway, click the Storyline tab.

      Change the style of your Sway

      Sway lets you focus on what you’re trying to communicate by taking care of the formatting, design, and layout of your content. You can keep Sway’s suggested default design, select and apply your own, and even customize the layout.

      To choose a style for your Sway, click Design on the menu bar, and then select Styles. To choose a random look and mood for your Sway at any time, click the Remix! button until you find a design and layout you like. You can also adjust a specific part of the currently applied style, such as color, font, and textures, by clicking the Customize button in the Styles pane.

      Styles options in Sway

      If you want to control how others will view and navigate your Sway once you’ve shared it, select whether your content should scroll vertically, horizontally, or appear like a presentation.